18 de junho de 2014

Notas sobre ficção científica (6)

"Then let us speak of how we have changed as a genre. Long ago, my children, in the days of my youth, our tribe was small and poor, skulking in exile on the margins of the rich kingdom of Literaturia. When we attempted to approach, we were driven back with execrations and the throwing of fecal matter by the armed Critics with their battle cry of “Genre! Kill!” We found, however, that many readers so loved us that they came into exile to join us, calling their settlement Fandom, and even in Literaturia, many secretly welcomed us to their hearts and homes. Over the years, we have grown in numbers and strength, and there is much intercourse of various kinds, and exchange of mental goods. Nowadays, blue-blooded Literaturians, believing they understand our simple customs, often imitate them, badly. Some of our tribe have become somewhat respectable in the streets of Literaturia, and pass, at times, almost unscathed among the Critics. The heights of the cities, however, and the great prizes to be found there, are still closed to us. I urge you to continue on the way of your tribal Elders, my children: Ignore execrations, seduce Critics, infiltrate curricula, and keep on truckin’."
As palavras são de Ursula K. Le Guin (quem mais?) numa mesa redonda que a juntou a Pat Cadigan, Nancy Kress e Ellen Datlow para discutir a presença e a importância das mulheres na evolução da ficção científica. A iniciativa partiu de Mary Robinette Kowal para a Lightspeed Magazine; e o resultado, esse, deve ser leitura obrigatória para todos os fãs do género.

Fonte: SF Signal

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