Ender's Game será sem dúvida uma das mais aguardadas estreias da ficção científica cinematográfica de 2013, trazendo para o grande ecrã o clássico de ficção científica militar de Orson Scott Card. Como não podia deixar de ser, o filme esteve em destaque na Comic-Con - e Bryan Bishop, do portal The Verge, esteve à conversa com o realizador Gavin Hood e o produtor Roberto Orci sobre a adaptação de um livro tão aclamado, o desenvolvimento do filme, as personagens, a transposição do enredo de um formato para outro e os problemas inerentes ao marketing dos trailers. Um excerto:
The Verge: You could consider the book cerebral in a lot of ways, but the trailers have been very heavy on the action element. Is that representative of the final film? Was there a decision to make this more of an action ride, or as you said, did you still try to bring in both elements?
Roberto Orci: I mean, it’s in the book, so as we were saying before, no one ever had the technology to kind of quite do this right yet, and so we didn’t want to shy away from the spectacle of it. In a way the spectacle is what makes it a unique property. Audiences have seen everything, and to actually have kind of a giant movie that is actually something you can talk about afterwards, and that actually makes you think, and that, that it’s… You have protagonists out there having a great time, and doing things we’d all want to do like float in that room, but they’re doing it for a potentially more adult purpose, and in preparation, potentially, for conflict and for leadership and for growing up. And to have that in one movie is, I think, part of the appeal. And so both sides of it should be celebrated. Both its cerebralness and its spectacle. I like that it didn’t talk down to kids.
Gavin Hood: I agree with Bob. It’s unusual for a big popcorn movie — which this has to be to achieve the kind of audience impact that it needs — to also have these great characters and dynamics. Now obviously when trailers come out, you don’t want to spend two minutes watching some sort of cerebral angst, right? So the marketing department is like, "Look at our cool stuff! Don’t worry, this is super cool!" And it is. And at the same time, when we go to a movie, which is not a two-minute experience, it’s a two-hour experience, we’ve also all been there and gone, "Okay, you’ve shown me 10 minutes of super cool stuff. Is there a story in here anywhere? Because I don’t need to be sitting here for two hours looking at cool stuff."
So trailers and movies are a little at odds in some ways. So I promise you that we have been true to the core emotional and moral dilemmas that the book is so famous for. And we have also, I hope, delivered on the spectacle that the book is also famous for. This Battle Room? That’s not our invention. It’s in the book. And that’s what makes it such a great property, is this combination of really original environments with a great story and great characters who are not stereotyped, who are not just good versus evil. These are complex characters who are struggling with their own demons and trying to find a way to define themselves as leaders of both others and of themselves. And that’s what I love about Ender’s Game. You go on this spectacular journey and you come to a place where a character really defines who he is, in a good, intelligent way.
A entrevista completa - com um pequeno vídeo que inclui uma pequena entrevista com Asa Butterfield, o actor que interpreta o papel de Ender Wiggin - pode ser lida aqui.
Fonte: The Verge
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