Em entrevista ao jornalista Stephen Moss do jornal britânico The Guardian a propósito do recente lançamento de The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day, Terry Pratchett falou sobre a sua carreira literária e os seus leitores, sobre o futuro de Discworld no 30º aniversário da publicação do primeiro livro, The Colour of Magic (que deverá coincidir com o lançamento do 40º livro, Raising Taxes), sobre adaptações e sobre a sua vida - em particular desde o diagnóstico de Alzheimer precoce em 2007. Dois destaques:
What unites Discworld readers? "They are serendipitists," says Pratchett, "pickers-up of interesting things you hadn't expected to see. That applies to most science fiction buffs." He says they are also open-minded, and that it wasn't an accident the first interracial kiss on TV happened on Star Trek. "It fits into what science fiction is, which is people being people and not worrying about what shape, size or colour you are. It's hard to read a lot of science fiction and be a bigot."
There have been suggestions that at some point his daughter, Rhianna, who writes stories for video games, could take over the Discworld series. "It will be entirely up to her," says Pratchett. "She's doing very well by herself." He is also looking to the survival of his creation on film, and with Rhianna recently set up a production company, Narrativia, to rectify the surprising absence of Discworld movies. "There's always Hollywood interest," he says, "but Hollywood is full to the brim with people who have the ability to say no and only about one person who can say yes. You could die waiting for Hollywood."
Pratchett is protective of the sort of film that might get made: he says he has twice pulled out of deals. "If Discworld is made, it has to be mine, not theirs," he says. "It's all about the money in Hollywood, but how much money does one person need when what I really want is for it to be done properly? It will happen – one day. And with Narrativia protecting my creative interests, I know it will be faithful to my words."
A entrevista completa pode ser lida aqui.
Fonte: The Guardian
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