Ontem, enquanto tomava um café e me iniciava na leitura de Brasyl, de Ian McDonald, um grupo na mesa do lado falava sobre filmes recentes - e, quando chegaram a Prometheus, foi a galhofa total, a ver qual deles se conseguia lembrar do maior disparate narrativo do filme. Certo: a esta altura do campeonato quase custa bater no mais recente filme de Ridley Scott, pois tudo o que poderia ser dito a propósito dos logical leaps, das inconsistências científicas e, sobretudo, da falta de senso comum de todas as personagens já foi dito e repetido vezes sem conta. Resta, portanto, o humor - e a propósito, encontrei há dias uma versão humorística do guião de Prometheus, por sinal muito divertida (e certeira), que deixo como leitura recomendada. Um pequeno excerto:
INT. PYRAMIDRAFE SPALLHuh, the mixture of gases in here is such that you might be able to breathe it. Of course, there might be a virus which could infect anyone dumb enough to take off their helmet, or a tiny fraction of the air could be nerve gas, or the entire moon could smell like the universe's worst fart. Really, you'd had to be a spectacular idiot to take off your helmet as soon as you heard that the CO2 level was low enough that it wouldn't instantly kill you.
LOGAN MARSHALL-GREENWhat if I BELIEVE I can breathe the air? Huh, what then?? CHRISTIANS 1, ATHEISTS 0.
The crew collectively win the RETARD OF THE YEAR award by taking off their helmets. They somehow DOESN'T DIE INSTANTLY. Half of the AUDIENCE walk out immediately. The other half remain, since they already paid nineteen dollars for their ticket, and they figure it can't possibly get any worse.
Fonte: Bad Transcript
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